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FFVII ReCompiled Rules

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FFVII ReCompiled Rules Empty FFVII ReCompiled Rules

Post by WaW Wed May 27, 2020 11:56 pm

Final Fantasy VII Recompiled

by WaW

This is the “rulebook” for a very basic FFVII-based forum tabletop RPG. The basic mechanics are lifted from FFRPG and SeeD to create a simple d100. There’s no HP or MP here, just a roll that affects the story. This walks you through Character Creation, the Skill Check Rules, and the proposed setting so far. Consider making characters Nomura and Kitase would love seeing in FFVII. If you put the players in a blender, what would come out?

While this does follow the canon story of FFVII, your actions and deeds can heavily change events. Is it Barret or Dyne who walks out of the Corel Desert? Does Zack or Cloud live outside Midgar? If we begin 8 years before FFVII, is Aerith truly the last Ancient?

This is meant to be used alongside the FFVII-REC Char Spreadsheet for ease of use.

Section 1: The Setting
Likely, if you’re reading this, you’re familiar with the Final Fantasy VII setting. The planet, Gaia, has a life force that is magical in nature called the Lifestream. This is the total accumulation of all souls on the planet. In its liquid form, this is called Mako. Shinra Co. has harnessed this liquid as an energy source. When Mako condenses it forms Mako Stones which are then refined into Materia. Mako that does not congeals rather than condense becomes highly toxic Stagnant Mako.
Surely you’ve heard of Jenova, the Calamity from the Skies. Shinra has mistaken this entity as a Cetran and used its DNA to create what they believe to be new Cetran hybrids. This leads to the main conflicts in the FFVII story. However, our story begins before the events of Final Fantasy VII.
FFVII views its timeline with two era names using Greek letters. We’ll refer to these as the Mu Millennia and the Nu Millennia.

μ - εγλ (Mu - Epsilon Gamma Lambda)
ν -  εγλ (Nu – Epsilon Gamma Lambda

The Jenova Project with Hojo, Lucretia, and Vincent happens between Mu 1977-1982. Professor Gast leaves the Shinra Co. in 1980.  Twelve years later, the Wutai War began in Mu 1992. It ends in Nu 0001 in February, just as the Avalanche Insurgency really picks up. Crisis Core covers the ending of the war which begins Nu 0000 with the Mass SOLDIER desertion incident.
The infamous Nibelheim Incident took place in Nu 0002. The events of FFVII pick up in Nu 0007, on December 9th. Advent Children follows in Nu 0010 with Dirge of Cerberus in Nu 0011. All of this is set in the Nu Millennium, which follows the Mu Millennium.

I propose our main story starts in Mu 1999, November. The Wutai War is not quite over, and the next couple of years promise to be tumultuous. This is 8 years before the events of FFVII! Sephiroth is at the height of his fame, the world has grown weary of war and longs for elusive peace. Yet, several problems stir.
In Wutai, the Crescent Unit, organized under Godo Kisaragi of the Five Saints, is pushing back. A Shinra Weapons Dealer is secretly supplying Wutai with powerful Materia to resist Shinra with. Rejendo, a Turk, is called out of retirement to deal with the situation. He puts together a unit to handle the problem.
Meanwhile, construction of a new Mako Reactor begins at Mt. Corel backed by local coal baron Barret Wallace. Plans of a new theme park, the Gold Saucer, promises to bring wealth and prosperity to the desert. Barret’s friend Dyne isn’t so sure, however. He begins sabotaging progress from behind the scenes, and he’s having help, but from who?
Finally, in Cosmo Canyon, Bugenhagen sadly excommunicates his own student, Fuhito. Fuhito became a fanatic in his theories of protecting the planet. He sets out to find like minded individuals to form the Avalanche that will end Shinra. He begins his Raven Experiment to match Sephiroth blow for blow in combat.

Our story will pull from the entire compilation. As we complete chapters, we’ll jump forward in years. Not every thread will have every player. Each character should be designed to explore their own path and life in the FFVII mythos. My job, as GM, is to pull you all together in creative and organic ways and see how your characters interact. Will they be friends or foes? This opens the story up for dynamic characters that can have prequel threads as needed.

Section 2: Character Creation

Characters should fit in the FF7 world. As such, they’ll have an appropriate Species, Job Class, Weapon, and Hometown. Through this creation, they will gain a preset of 480 Skill Points, with an additional 300 Skill Points to spend as you like among 30 skills.

Species are the starting race of your character. They gain an extra 100 points to spend in unique ways. Likely your player is Human, though these other species color and populate the FFVII world. Being a Buga or Toysaurus probably makes you a curiosity while being a Cetran probably ties into significant story elements.

Pick 4 skills to gain a free 25 points. Humans are common on the planet, nothing terribly special or unique. They often see themselves as opposing nature.

Pick two skills to gain a free 50 points. Lion-like wolves, these creatures are capable of speech are fully sentient. They tend to have a hard time operating human tech and are thus pushed to the fringes. They can live hundreds of years.

Pick 1 skill to become 100. Incredibly rare, pretty much extinct. Cetrans are an older strain of near-humans that can interbreed with humanity. Their genes are always dominant in offspring. They can “hear” the planet, feel it’s thoughts and pain.

Pick 5 skills to gain 20 points. Automatons created for entertainment, sentient machines that are incredibly realistic have their place in the world. What does it mean to be alive? To have a soul?

Job Classes
These Job Classes provide starting “packages” of skills in bundles of 75, 50, and 25. They tend to have a certain flavor and nature in the FF7 world, but they are certainly open for interpretation.

Skills: (75%: Charm, Infiltration, 50%: Sabotage, Streetwise, 25%: Intimidation, Grace)
Example: Reno, Rude, Tseng
The Agent is a smooth operator, capable of infiltration, capturing a target, and carrying out the most unsavory of orders. They are fully capable and incredibly dangerous.

Skills: (75%: Danger Sense, Tracking, 50%: Lore, Intimidation, 25%: Strength, Stealth)
Example: Red XIII
Practically an animal. The Beast is useful when hunting and tracking prey. Employed as bounty hunters, these enforcers are versatile.

Skills: (75%: Strength, Tinker, 50%: Navigation, Swimming, 25%: Cast, Tracking)
Example: Vincent, Cloud, Red XIII
Whether infused with embedded materia, stagnant Mako, or experimental cells, the Experiment is an abnormal entity with strange properties.

Fortune Teller
Skills: (75%: Streetwise, Swindle, 50%: Command, Running, 25%: Thievery, Medicine)
Example: Cait Sith
Fortune Telling is really more entertainment than prophecy, but sometimes it’s a little on the nose. What do you do when one of these seems too real?

Skills: (75%: Cast, Lore, 50%: Spiritual, Animal Handling, 25%: Charm, Danger Sense)
Example: Aerith
Spiritualists who tend to be in tune with the world around them. The Lifestream may speak to them, at least, it spoke to Cetran Geomancers. Will it speak to you, too?

Skills: (75%: Climbing, Sabotage, 50%: Strength, Combat,  25%: Determination, Command)
Example: Barret, Dyne
Do you have a problem? Shoot it. Is someone shooting at you? Shoot them. Are you frustrated with your day job? Shoot… no nevermind. But Gunners do tend to shoot what they don’t like.

Horror Researcher
Skills: (75%: Determination, Intimidation, 50%: Insight, Learning, 25%: Tinker, Infiltration)
Example: Vincent
The Horror Researcher is drawn to the macabre, morbid, and curious. However, in this line of work, sometimes the Horrors research you.

Skills: (75%: Command, Medicine, 50%: Charm, Tinker, 25%” Spiritual, Systems)
Example: Reeve
Ancient Inspires tend to breath life into inanimate objects, like dolls. Modern ones tend to do the same but with machinery. Capable leaders.

Martial Artist
Skills: (75%: Dodge, Grace, 50%: Thievery, Jumping, 25%: Streetwise, Combat)
Example: Tifa, Zangan, Loz
Punch, kick, jump, and do it again. Martial Artists are graceful, acrobatic, and skillful.

Mystic Knight
Skills: (75%: Combat, Spiritual, 50%: Danger Sense, Cast, 25%: Jumping, Dodge)
Example: Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth, Elfe
Mystic Knights come in many shapes and sizes. Often wielding swords, skilled in materia use, and ready to push above and beyond.

Skills: (75%: Stealth, Thievery, 50%: Infiltration, Dodge, 25%: Navigation, Swindle)
Example: Yuffie, Godo
Duplicitous, conniving, and skillful, Ninjas will do whatever it is to get their treasures. Hey, wait, where’s my wallet?

Skills: (75%: Jumping, Systems, 50%: Climbing, Determination, 25%: Insight, Learning)
Example: Cid
A good Pilot can drive anything that isn’t chained down and on fire. Yes, at the same time. Pilots are daredevils ready to risk it all.

Skills: (75%: Animal Handling, Running, 50%:Grace, Swindle 25%: Swimming, Climbing)
Example: Cloud, Teioh, Cid
A chocobo is a man’s best friend. A Racer likes the risks of the Pilot but they do it for the fame, not for the thrill.

Skills: (75%: Insight, Learning, 50%: Medicine, Systems, 25%: Sabotage, Lore)
Example: Hojo, Fuhito, Palmer
The world holds many wonders and it’s a Scientist’s job to solve those mysteries. Their work, however, can be quite consuming.

Skills: (75%: Navigation, Swimming, 50%: Tracking, Stealth, 25%: Animal Handling, Running)
Example: Gi Tribe, Red XIII
Often hating technology, these individuals thrive in the wilderness. More in tune with the planet and monsters therein, some become necromancers or the undead.

Each weapon type provides a plus 40 to the listed skills. You can name, design, and style your weapon, but the below list provides a useful base:

Claw (Climbing, Animal Handling)
Explosives (Sabotage, Danger Sense)
Gun (Systems, Tracking)
Gunblade (Intimidation, Running)
Knife (Medicine, Infiltration)
Knuckles (Determination, Spiritual)
Megaphone (Command, Tinker)
Nunchaku (Thievery, Running)
Pistols (Learning, Dodge)
Rod (Insight, Streetwise)
Shuriken (Swindle, Stealth)
Spear (Jumping, Navigation)
Staff (Cast, Lore)
Sword (Combat, Strength)
Whip (Charm, Grace)

Our skills are based on FFRPG Seed Edition’s Skill set. Each of these are rated 1-100. All rolls are d100, and the goal is to fit within your skill level. Some checks will be increased or decreased difficulty (providing a + or – value to your skill level. If you are performing a Combat check with a Combat Skill of 50, you are hoping to roll between 1-50 for a success).

Players earn additional skill points as they progress throughout the game. For each Critical Success (1-10), the player earns 15 SP to distribute as they like. No skill can exceed 100 without additional equipment.

There are three kinds of Skill Checks: Task, Challenge, and Bid. Tasks are set difficulties issued by the GM that specifies a Skill and a difficulty. Using another skill in its place increases the difficulty by half. (If a Combat Task is -20, and the player uses Systems to trigger a set trap on the enemy instead, the difficulty is then -30 (20+ ½ of 20). Challenges are between two players with opposing skill checks rolled to see who beats their threshold the most. (Cloud has Combat 75 and Zack has Combat 60. Cloud rolls a 55, beating his threshold by 20. Zack rolls a 30, beating his threshold by 30. Zack wins). Bids are volunteered by the player before a GM issues a Task. In some cases, a player may be wanting to force a Skill Check in order to push for a specific outcome. If an NPC is escaping and a player wants to pursue, they may Bid a Running Check to catch them. The player then places their Bid roll before the modifier is issued by the GM. The GM will then roll for the difficulty.

Scoring a Critical Success (1-10) gives you a Limit Point. 5 Points can be spent on a Limit Break. A Limit Break is an automatically successful Bid. Keep in mind even Limit Break Combats may not kill an enemy, though the chance is incredibly likely. Even Limit Breaks are conducted within reason.

Breaking Limit
After character creation, Materia and equipment can raise your Skill Level artificially over 100.

Skill List:
Animal Handling – Controlling, taming, and riding wild animals.
Cast – Rely upon Materia to apply their special properties in a given situation. This may be launching a fire spell, or using some other special ability Materia can give you.
Charm – Flirting, smooth talking, persuasion all fits under charm.
Climbing – Scaling walls and trees, climbing allows you to get up to places quickly.
Combat – Give it your all to make them hurt. Understanding weak points and applying your weapon in deadly conflict.
Command – Employing authority, ordering those around you, and taking charge.
Danger Sense – Detect ambushes, traps, pursuers, or other forms of immediate danger. Are you suspicious? Roll this.
Determination – Willpower and fortitude. Defeat influence on your mind and resist a KO.
Dodge – Get out of the way of incoming attacks and traps.
Grace – Poise and pretense, keeping yourself cool under pressure.
Infiltration – Lock-picking, trap setting, and other useful treasure hunting skills.
Insight – Analyze, deduce, and reason. Make quick connections, recall obscure details.
Intimidation – Striking terror by your presence, your look, or the sound of your voice.
Jumping – Why climb when you can do it in a single leap? In FFVII, some leaps are fantastical!
Learning – The ability to study, understand, and make discoveries through the scientific process.
Lore – Understanding the nature of politics, Mako, Materia, Jenova, magic, and the world around you.
Medicine – Dressing wounds, applying potions, and keeping those around you alive.
Navigation – Traveling quickly, avoiding bad paths and finding shelter.
Running – Escape, speed, and catching someone. Skillful runners also may not leave a trail.
Sabotage – Wanna blow some stuff up? This is your skill. Not only do you know how things work, you know how to break them.
Spiritual – Not just understanding but feeling the world around you. It’s a spiritual sixth sense.
Stealth – Creep, sneak, and hide from your enemies. Or surprise them for a friendly backstab.
Streetwise – Hitting the street and having an ear to the ground, increases knowledge, know-how, and even possibly having a friendly NPC to turn to.
Strength – Exercise, kicking doors, holding up collapsing buildings. All of this is based in skill. Physical exertion.
Swimming – The speed, agility, ability to hold one’s breath underwater.
Swindle – Disguise, lie, and deception.
Systems – Computers and other high end tech. Complicated to use. Feel old yet?
Thievery – Sleight of hand and body. Use it to pickpocket, thieve, and slip ropes and cuffs.
Tinker – Knowing devices and mechanics, including buildings, how to work them, fix them, and break them.
Tracking – Not just identifying tracks, but signs, sounds, and scents of your quarry.

Every character has a hometown in FFVII. These towns are important to coloring your character’s experience and world view. Choose carefully.

Eastern Continent:
Chocobo Farms – a small farming community that still raises chocobos and lives a quaint life. Outside the tech-heavy world of Midgar, chocobos are the best means of transportation. Grow smelly gyshal greens and life the dream.
Deepground – a secret lab deep beneath Midgar, powered by Reactor 0. Experiments and science projects grow up here before moving up to Midgar proper.
Fort Condor – Shinra’s oldest enemy. Former workers took over a reactor and powered it down, turning the mountain into an independent community in the heart of the Eastern Continent.
Healen – a remote mountain community. This countryside is populated by hermits and hunters that seek peace far away from busy city life.
Junon – Formerly a quaint fishing village. It is now the premier naval and military base in the world. It sports Shinra’s Sister Ray canon capable of firing across the world.
Kalm – A quaint town near Midgar. The town is mainly mythril miners, collecting the precious metals Shirna uses around the world.
Midgar – Gaia’s largest city, a nation unto itself. Totally owned and operated by Shinra, this city is split into 8 plates. Check out the Loveless Operas, or the Black Mages rock concerts.
Midgar Slums – Beneath the plates of Midgar lie the slums. Trash, scraps, and debris fall from the sky to give the poorest of the poor their materials. Literally their labor props up Midgar.

Western Continent:
Ancient Forest – an ancient forest full of life, home of the Gi Tribe. Those who live here are entirely attuned to nature.
Cosmo Canyon – A community built by humans and the Buga. Cosmo Canyon has a large observatory and is known for it’s students of the universe.
Costa del Sol – the world’s premier vacation spot (up until the Gold Saucer gets going). Sunny beaches, clear water, it’s paradise.
Gongaga – A rural village and the site of Mako Reactor meltdown that devastated the village.
Nibelheim – A quaint mountain town.
North Corel – Made by remnants of Corel, these folk do what they can to survive. Formerly coal miners, they’ve recently been put out of a job by a new Mako Reactor and the subsequent Gold Saucer.
Old Corel – A town in the Corel Desert. It’s now a prison town.
Rocket Town – Everyone has forgotten the town’s original name. It has been the site for 25 rockets as Shinra has attempted space exploration.

Wutai Island:
Tamblin – a mountain town on the southern edge of Wutai known for its premier fort.
Elm – A quaint mountain village
Wutai – Wutai’s capital. Home of those who worship Leviathan. Known for its navy and ninja, Wutai is a formidable force.

Northern Continent:
Bone Village – A small village that studies the Sleeping Forest.
Icicle Inn – A resort town in the Snow Fields of the Icicle Area (also known as Knowlespole).
Modeoheim – An industrial village in the snowy mountains.

Tropic Islands:
Banora – Known for its juicy apples and the White Banora Trees which seem to live forever. Nothing ever happens here, right? Home of Project G.
Mideel – A tropic village known for the occasional bubbling pool of Mako Energy.


You should consider who your character works for in a world that is largely Shinra and Anti-Shinra. Shinra is currently in the last stages of a war with Wutai that has shaken the world and popularized SOLDIER and their hero Sephiroth.

Shinra: (Security, Sciences, Weapons, Space, Divisions)
The largest company in the world and has since replaced many nations. Shinra is the world’s economy. Nearly every village has a Mako Reactor in order to have industrial power and electricity. With numerous divisions and operations globally, it’s easy to find something to do within Shinra.

Special agents of Shinra wearing uniform suits. These individuals carry out any task and are absolutely loyal to their director, Veld. The Turks were around long before SOLDIER and they’ll be around after the science experiments fade. Ordinary humans trained to be extraordinary.

The world’s best fighters, split into three classes. Famous 1st class operatives like Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal inspire people the world over. SOLDIERs undergo special treatments to be infused with Mako Energy, making them superhuman. (Some may have something else in them, too).

An offshoot of SOLDIER, these special operatives undergo unique experimentation. No one is like the other and they get marked with special “color” monikers.

Wutai and the Crescent Unit:
Wutai went to war with Shinra over the company’s demands to expand Mako Reactors onto their sacred mountain. Wutai relies on highly trained ninja and gunblade wielding warriors in their famous Crescent Unit. These special operatives have caused global problems for Shinra and forced them to shift form mass armies of the Security Division to similar guerrilla units like SOLDIER. What will become of Wutai if they lose the war?

An organization being formed for the first time by a young woman named Elfe and a scientist named Fuhito. These eco-terrorists understand the problem of Mako Reactors and seek to eliminate them the world over. The planet must be protected at all costs.

Fuhito has stumbled across radical plans to duplicate SOLDIER. Will any of his experiments survive? Must one become demons to defeat the devil? These volunteers (they are volunteers right?) gain superhuman abilities to one day combat SOLDIER.

Condorian Rebels:
You occupy Fort Condor. Yes, every few months Shinra’s security force arrives to challenge you, but you keep fighting, don’t you? If you aren’t careful, Shinra might actually take notice and send SOLDIER after you.

Corellian Rebels:
Not all Corellians are happy with the development of the Gold Saucer and the construction of the new Mako Reactor. Some are getting antsy and fighting back.

You’ll do anything for money.

While not listed above, you should consider Traits/story hooks for your character too. These will help flesh out your character and tie you into the greater world around you.  Here are some concepts to consider, the original character is listed next to these, not all work in this time setting, but may work into your character. You are not picking any one of these, but things to consider:

Trait List:

Section 3: Equipment and Materials

Equipment is found throughout the game. There are three types of equipment: Armor, Accessory, and Materia.
Armor and Accessories add temporary skill points while equipped. These are not permanent bonuses. If unequipped for any reason, the bonus goes away.

Materia are magical orbs of refined Mako Energy. They provide powerful bonuses to player. The Cast check must be used in order to work most Materia, if successful, you use the Materia’s skill check in place of any other skill check. However, on Critical Fails (95-100) the Materia will break, having adverse affects.

There are several types of materia:
Command - Yellow materia. Increases probability of a skill check.
Independent - Purple materia. Upgrades skill abilities in unique ways. Sort of superpowers.
Support - Blue Materia. This materia combines two skills into one, adding the lesser rating at half value. Any skill check involving the two listed skills can be combined.
Magic - Green materia. Use Cast in place of other skill checks. It can also provide flavor-text magic attacks.
Summon - Allows for a Summon to make up to 3 skill checks for you a Summon doubles your Skill Level. Auto Fails send them away.  Two fails in a row sends them away.

Materia Fusion is the fusion of two Materia together. The results are not set. This will take a Tinker check. If successful, the items will carry the stronger effect of the two, but the property might be something new. (The rules are simple here that we could likely generate a Custom Materia for you if you so desire. This would work especially well with Command Materias being combined into Independent Materia.)

Reward Reels
Upon rolling a 1, completing quests, or finding items in other ways, the GM rolls a d10 to determine which type of item you received. A random generator provides the resulting item.
d10  Item Name  Amount of Items
1-3 Usables 23
4 Armor 30
5 Accessory 15
6 Command Materia 30
7 Magic Materia 12
8 Independent Materia 15
9 Support Materia 26
10 Summon Materia 14

Section 4: Combat

Combat is meant to be simplistic with no inherent turn order, though the Enemy will typically wait for a player or players to act. During the flow of combat, a Player makes a Combat Check. A successful combat check counts as a hit on an enemy. Attempting to kill an enemy in one blow (especially more prominent characters) will result in much harder successes.

When an enemy attacks a player, the player is expected to complete a Dodge check.

Players can typically fail Dodge checks 1-3 times before losing the Combat. (A Security Guard may have to hit you three times, though Sephiroth may only have to hit you once!) A Determination check can see if the character perseveres to keep fighting.

Most enemies will be defeated after 1 successful combat check, though mini-boss and boss styled characters may take up to three combat checks and/or resurge in another form or stage.

There's no need to heal out of battle. This vague HP resets each time.

Status Conditions
Several status conditions exist:
Confusion - target rolls a d30 to complete a random skill check. Enemies behave in random ways.
Petrification - Target is turned to stone and cannot make skill checks.
Mini - Target is considerably smaller, all skill checks are halved.

Items and Materia can be used to induce these and/or remove them.

Player vs. Player combat will be somewhat more structured. Players will 3 HP, a coin flip determines who goes first. Tasks will be opposed challenges. While a player rolls combat, the other player rolls dodge, and then the script flips.

Last edited by WaW on Thu May 28, 2020 10:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updates to Sections 3 and 4.)


Posts : 75
Join date : 2020-05-27

Character sheet
Name: Edea
Species: Cetra
Job: Scientist


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FFVII ReCompiled Rules Empty Re: FFVII ReCompiled Rules

Post by WaW Thu May 28, 2020 10:00 am

Item List Guide

Items are random awards for completion of quests, found at different times, etc. They change gameplay in very unique ways. Items can be freely traded between players at any time.

Usables : Effect
Potion : Subtracts 10 from your roll.
Soma : Subtracts 15 from your roll.
Ether : Subtracts 20 from your roll.
Elixir : Subtracts 50 from your roll.
Phoenix Down : Revives instantly after a failed combat check.
Remedy : Restore normal condition.
Tranquilizer : Reduces crit fail to 100 only.
Hyper : Increased Critical Success to 1-20.
Smoke Bomb : Allows you to instantly escape an opponent without rolling.
Light Curtain : Allows you to block an opponent’s Cast without rolling.
Lunar Curtain : Reflects a Cast back at the caster.
Hero Drink : Increases Critical Success to 1-50.
Holy Torch : Removes all bonuses from target.
Shrivel : Makes target a 1/6 scale of themselves for a limited time.
Ghost Hand : Removes the ability to Cast.
War Gong : Causes target to enter a berserk rage where they will only conduct Combat checks.
Loco Weed : Target makes a random skill check under the status “Confuse.”
Hour Glass : Stops an opponent completely still.
Soft : Undoes Petrification.
Vagyrisk Claw : Petrifies target.
Gysahl Greens : Increases Critical Success to 1-30.
Zeio Nut : Auto Success.
Carob Nut : Allows for a reroll.

Armor : +20 To Skill
Bronze Bangle : Streetwise
Iron Bangle : Running
Titan Bangle : Charm
Mythril Armlet : Climbing
Silver Armlet : Sabotage
Gold Armlet : Swimming
Carbon Bangle : Tracking
Diamond Bangle : Swindle
Crystal Bangle : Dodge
Platinum Bangle : Grace
Rune Armlet : Infiltration
Edincoat : Learning
Wizard Bracelet : Lore
Adaman Bangle : Jumping
Gigas Armlet : Stealth
Imperial Guard : Intimidation
Aegis Armlet : Medicine
Fourth Bracelet : Thievery
Shinra Beta : Determination
Shinra Alpha : Command
Dragon Armlet : Spiritual
Minerva Band : Cast
Mystile : Combat
Ziedrich : Strength
Precious Watch : Insight
Chocobracelet : Animal Handling
Fire Armlet : Systems
Aurora Armlet : Navigation
Bolt Armlet : Tinker
Genji Armlet : Danger Sense

Accessory : +20 To Skill
Power Wrist : Combat, Strength
Earring : Insight, Medicine
Choco Feather : Animal Handling, Danger Sense
Champion Belt : Determination, Intimidation
Circlet : Grace, Swindle
Tough Ring : Swimming, Climbing
Spring Shoes : Running, Dodge
Curse Ring : Streetwise, Spiritual
Fury Ring : Navigation, Tracking
Sneak Glove : Stealth, Infiltration
Hypno Crown : Charm, Command
Ribbon : Cast, Lore
Tetra Elemental : Tinker, Sabotage
Cat’s Bell : Jumping, Thievery
Fairy Ring : Learning, Systems

Materia List
Command Materia (Yellow) (Increases probability of a skill check.)
Animal Handling : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Cast : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Charm : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Climbing : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Combat : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Command : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Danger Sense : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Determination : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Dodge : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Grace : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Infiltration : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Insight : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Intimidation : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Jumping : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Learning : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Lore : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Medicine : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Navigation : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Running : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Sabotage : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Spiritual : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Stealth : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Streetwise : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Strength : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Swimming : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Swindle : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Systems : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Thievery : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Tinker : Adds +20 to Skill Level.
Tracking : Adds +20 to Skill Level.

Independent Materia (Purple) (Upgrades skill abilities in unique ways.)
Tame : Animals and monsters are able to become temporary companions. Upgrades Animal Handling.
Dual Cast : Allows for two green and red materia to be used at once. Upgrades Cast.
Double Cut : Allows one to roll two combat checks at once. Upgrades Combat.
Control : Upgrades Command to a temporary mind control. Upgrades Command/Charm.
Foresight : Allows one to foresee the future. Upgrades Danger Sense.
DMW : Digital Mind Wave allows one to succeed on a free Combat check when they pass Determination checks. Upgrades Determination and Grace.
Final Heaven : Successful Dodge checks count as successful Combat checks as well. Upgrades Dodge.
Morph : One’s form takes on another appearance or that of a monster for a limited time. Upgrades Infiltration.
Telepathic : You can feel and read minds, thoughts, and feelings. Upgrades Insight.
Fright : Target is not just intimidated, they become panicked and likely flee. Upgrades Intimidation.
Flight : Allows for temporary flight. Upgrades Jumping/Climbing.
Cosmo Memory : One can intuit information they otherwise would not know. Upgrades Lore and Learning.
Great Gospel : You can perform Medicine checks to prevent others from losing to failed Combat Checks. Upgrades Medicine.
Survivalist : Traversing the world can be dangerous. You now have an uncanny sense of how to find food, stay warm, locate shelter, and more. Upgrades Navigation.
Dash : Allows one to dash at super speeds. Upgrades Running.
Catastrophe : You have good luck. Machines can break around you or jam even if you can’t quite reach them to sabotage them. Upgrades Sabotage.
Planetspeak : You can hear the will of the Planet, it’s state, and thoughts as if you wrere a Cetran. Upgrades Spiritual.
Transparent : Allows one to temporary go invisible. Upgrades Stealth.
Final Heaven : You know a guy. An NPC is generated who has a relationship and knows the information you need, essentially creating an ally. Upgrades Streetwise.
Super Strength : Allows for great feats of strength at superhuman levels. Upgrades Strength.
Underwater : Allows for one to breathe temporarily underwater. Upgrades Swimming.
All Creation : Swindle now works for even improbable lies. Upgrades Swindle.
Synaptic Net Dive : Allows one to send their consciousness into machines. Upgrades Systems.
Mug : A Mug skill check is both Combat and Thievery at the same time. Upgrades Thievery.
Bioform : Ever want to build a machine… out of body parts? Upgrades Tinker.
Sense : You gain an understanding of the area, where targets are. Upgrades Tracking.

Support Materia (Blue) Support Materia combines two skills together, adding the lower value at 50%.
Dragoon : Combines Climbing and Jumping.
White Mage : Combines Cast and Lore.
Black Mage : Combines Spiritual and Medicine.
Fighter : Combines Combat and Strength.
Thief : Combines Thievery and Swindle.
Monk : Combines Dodge and Running.
Engineer : Combines Systems and Tinker.
Bard : Combines Charm and Grace.
Summoner : Combines Animal Handling and Command.
Blue Mage : Combines Learning and Danger Sense.
Dark Knight : Combines Intimidation and Determination.
Ninja : Combines infiltration and Stealth.
Gambler : Combines Streetwise and Insight.
Ranger : Combines Tracking and Command.
Chemist : Combines Sabotage and Navigation.

Magic Materia (Green) Magic Materia essentially uses Cast in place of other skill checks. It can also provide flavor-text magic attacks.
Fire : Can create fire. Can replace Combat, Sabotage, Intimidation.
Ice : Can create ice and snow. Can replace Combat, Climbing, Strength.
Lightning : Can create bolts of lightning. Can replace Combat, Tinker, Systems.
Earth : Can commune with the Planet. Can replace Combat, Spiritual, Lore.
Restore : Can replace Medicine, Danger Sense, Learning.
Libra : Can sense information. Replaces Insight, Navigation, Streetwise, Tracking.
Mystify : Cast spells and curses. Can replace Charm, Command, Swindle. Can inflict statuses Petrify, Confuse, and Mini.
Gravity : Defy gravity for yourself or increase gravity for a target. Can replace Combat, Jumping, Swimming.
Barrier : Create barriers that deflects attacks. Can replace Dodge, Determination, Grace.
Time : Manipulate time for you or others. Can replace Thievery, Running, Stealth.
Enemy Skill : Use “blue magic” attacks. Can replace Combat, Animal Handling, Infiltration.
Ultima : Devastating energy attacks. Can replace Combat with a Critical Success Range of +40

Summon Materia (Red) Allows for a Summon to make up to 3 skill checks for you a Summon doubles your Skill Level. Auto Fails send them away.  Two fails in a row sends them away.
Knights of the Round


Posts : 75
Join date : 2020-05-27

Character sheet
Name: Edea
Species: Cetra
Job: Scientist


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